duminică, 2 noiembrie 2014

Shotcut 14.11 free video editor - open source

Shotcut - Video Editing
Shotcut is a free and open-source video editing app for Windows, Linux and MacOs.The new version 14.11 of Shotcut is now available for download with the following enhancements in addition to the usual bug fixes:

  • The HTML5 features are finally available on Windows!
  • Add source code editing to the HTML editor.
  • WebGL logo
    Add 3D Text filter based on WebGL, typeface.js, and three.js.
  • Add support for DirectShow devices on Windows in the Open Other dialog.
  • Add the Opus audio codec.
  • Opus codec logo
    Change the VP9 WebM preset to use the Opus audio codec.
  • Add support for the #localtime# keyword to the Text filter (no button yet).
  • Restart instead of simply closing the app when changing the GPU or language settings.
  • Change the Redo keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Y on Windows only.
  • Save file paths in MLT XML with relative names for assets in the same folder or sub-folder. This makes it easier to use a relocatable project folder.
  • Add scale and offset parameters and a preset widget to the Rotate filter. Usually after rotating a video, part of the image has been clipped. These new parameters provide control for that clipping processing including no clipping.
  • Add Italian translation.

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